Letterpress - Word Game App Bewertungen

Only game on my phone

My wife and I have been playing this since 2015, the only computer/phone game we play. We usually have 6-8 games going so when one of us has some down time, we play a few games until the other gets time. The stats are nice, she likes reminding me how much better she is at it but we're a pretty good match and I hold up my end. Fun

Best word game ever.

I was worried that when this game was bought (it had been developed by some ex-Apple employees, I believe) that it would shortly go to rack and ruin. But it didn't. The new owners have kept and maintained the integrity of the game as it was developed. By that, they honor the game's developers and all of us who continure to love and play it.

what a great word game

I love this game becouse it makes your think

no fun.

Your opponents dont play back. Bots dont even play back. Total waste of time and no fun. Uninstall. bye.

Love This Game

I've been playing this for years. The add buyout is totally worth it and fairly priced. Support this game! My only wish is that you could use the keyboard to type out letters, but maybe that'd make it too easy.

Too Slow

Unless I was doing something wrong, this app's Bots are incredibly slow, so I deleted it minutes after downloading.

Fun but flawed

I enjoy this game and do recommend it. I also commend the creator for his or her efforts. But there are issues. The "Bot" opponent is not supposed to be able to play dark blue, or locked, tiles. Yet this frequently happens. The "Bot" players occasionally come up with wprds that don't exist, while I am occasionally )once everytwo games on average) am not permitted to use legitimate words. Often, when one passes the cursor over tiles, they shift to an odd angle or are moved into the line where one spells new words, without clicking on them. This happens multiple times per game. Occasionally, when the "Bot" player cncedes, the game is still counted as a victory for the "Bot/" I hope the developer(s) can fix these errors as they do detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. But I will keep playing nonetheless, as long as it remains free.

this is a good game for keeping skills fresh

i am hoping to get regular opponents. lately, cannot get a player that stays engaged.

good but flawed

Letterpress could be a great game except for two problems: chat doesn't work if you play on a computer. The fatal flaw is that you can play words that are misspelled or don't exist. Click on a word you've never seen before and you get the mystifying message: "While valid for game play, a definition is not available in the Letterpress dictionary." Click on the three listed dictionaries and usually none of them have definitions either.


Letterpress is a fun word game with stradegy involved that keeps me occupied when I am bored. I like everything about it except for the fact that you can only have 2 player games. It would be fun if you could play games with up to 3 players at least. Other than that, I highly recommend this game!


takes a couple minutes for bot to finally submit a word. I don't have an issue with Push notifications on anything else and connectivty is just fine. It's not me/my computer. Will be uninstalling game

on my front page for years

I've played this game more than any other in my life. It took over Scrabble years ago. No shade to Scrabble but this is better because the words are so much longer and there's no counting points.

i like this game

yo i think the game is great! it’s nice to have a game connected to your phone and your laptop and be able to play on both when you’re not on the other. It’sa really fun word game, definately engaginag and passez dah time! swag out:)

Great game, nice to have on Mac

While the entire interaciton is much more suited to a touch interface, it's nice to have the option of accessing games on the Mac as well. It's a fantastic game.

Great Game!

I really love this game. Expands my vocabulary and works my brain.


Game is good. fell in love with the game

fast response

Thank you for fixing the glitch in Catalina. This is a fun app to use for grownups either as single player or online. I prefer to compete against the bots.

any mode

i prefer playing by myself. i used bot mode & it takes time for it to react after i put mne in.

bot mode.

Needs speed improvement when playing in bot mode.

Continual Improvements!

Thanks for continuing to improve the app. So many developers let their apps die on the vine. This one keeps getting better and better.

Straight up the best multiplayer word spelling game

It's great!

Awesome game!

I've been playing letterpress for a long time, and it's by far my favorite word game. The design of the app is simple and elegant, and you can always find someone to play with. There used to be another game very similar to this one on android, and I think implementing a few of its features would make this great game even better. The first is that when you're playing against someone, you can click on their icon and see all of their stats. Another suggestion is that you can choose the amount of time that each player has to respond when you start a new game. That way, if you want play a fast paced game, you can easily be matched up with other players who want to too. Another suggestion is to implemetn a point system beyond the running score. Before each game, a player could choose to risk different amounts of points that they earned from winning games. The more you risk, the higher the stakes, and the more dramtic each move is.

Vocabulary-increasing game

This is a great game to increase one's vocabulary! (Some games are meant to be played just for fun, but do not especially improve any particular skill.) However, this game is helpful for students or anyone who wants to better their writing skills.


Is it possible to play this game by yourself?

My favorit casual game

I was looking for a casual game to play with my sister. We live 9 time zone apart. This game is a great casual game. 1. 5 days to finish a game. 2. Challenging and just fun. 3. Great UI. I highly recommend everyone to give it a try.

Love it!

I think I really tied into a player. Is it ok to leave computer on all night, or should I just put it to sleep?




This is a hard but satisfying game. I would like to see a version where you can shuffle the letters to give you ideas, but that will come...

Another fantastic update

LetterPress was a great game at version 1.0. Years later and it keeps getting better. You won’t find a better designed and thougthful word game than this.

Fun game, but writing to help 2 poor confused reviewers...

5 out of 15 reviewers found a woman's angry post about not knowing how to drag an app into the trashcan helpful. The app is free and is taking up .001% of your hard drive. The next guy scrolled passed the How To Play section to the Support section and came straight to the review section so I helped him here. I love the title “At times nonsense...”. Ironic, since the game is literally supposed to be at times nonsense. 1 other person thought that was helpful. Oh and pick a dictionary? …they did so that one is out of the way too. Happy New Year folks. Spending mine doing someone else’s job.



At times nonsense

Please pick a dictionary. Cannot locate any “rules” within the support.

There goes my productivity

This game is dangerous. It is too easy to start a quick game and tell myself I’ll get to work right afterward. Three hours later I still can’t tear myself away. It should come with an antidote.

Best (word) game ever

Love this game. Endless fun. The only thing bad about it is that you can’t play without an internet connection. Maybe there’s a way around this so I can play with a friend/fellow passenger during a long flight?

Good Game

I like this game. It’s simple and fun to play. No ads; no distractions anywhere. The strategy aspect of this game- having the opportunity to steal your opponent’s letters- is really intriguing for me. Get it!

Perfectly faithful rendition!

Exactly as the title says, this is a perfect execution of the Letterpress game on OS X, and works exactly like the iOS original. Nothing needed to be changed for OS X, and the developer was smart to reproduce the exact behvior of the original.

Awesome game FINALLY on mac

I love playing letterpress for iOS and I can finally play on my mac! This works very well. It syncs beautifully with my iOS devices.

As a Scrabble player this game is amazing

I so look forward to my Letterpress games. This is an amazingly cool and challenging game once you get the relatively few strategic lessons. And it certainly aids and abets my Scrabble chops. Highest recommendation!

Non techie but I love this game

I am really addicted to this game. It makes my brain work and is fun and competitive. I enjoy the different speeds that people can get back to the game being played. I appreciate the notices of plays made and when the game is one. I believe that most people play fairly and don’t use devices to help them. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Very Addicting

This is a great brain game! I’ve had no problems with this app on either my Mac or my iOS devices. Works 100% fine (granted, I’m a IT/Cybersecurity Professional). :)

Favorite word game

Brilliant word game. Faithfully preserves the simple and delightful UI from the iOS version. Would be nice to have more social elements so you could have teams and tournaments and what not. Great game.

I love it

A plus

Great game; too literal a port

Letterpress is one of the great word/board games, and the new owners have made notable and valuable improvements to the iOS app. The Mac version deserves at best 3 stars, however, because it is a strictly literal port of the iOS game, down to the iPhone-sized and –shaped window. A Mac version should take some advantage of the platform it’s on. Still, it’s a nice convenience to be able to play a turn without digging another device out of a pocket or satchel.

Buggy, but glad to have it on Mac

Fantastic and a blessing to have on desktop! Super excited, this got me back into playing the game again. That said, the bugs in this version seem to to be qutie prevalent. For instance, when I uncheck the box to turn sound effects off the app crashes infalibly. Hoping this will be fixed soon and expect that it will. Looking forward to it all.

Works well

Works great, esp. for a version 1 product. The syncing with the iPhone app is also great. Adding some keyboard commands would be helpful, e.g. Cmd-[ (like Safari) to go back to the previous screen.

Needs Work

It seems they just ported it to the Mac. That’s fine, but it crashes EVERY SINGLE TIME you try to turn the sounds off.

Works great

I love it, it’s fun.

So Good

I love this game it is so addictive Best ap on my macbook

Fun & Challenging!

An intellectual game with lovely User Interface. Play games with real people is so fun and enjoyable!

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